Resumen general

The e-Controller Single Output 1-10V unit is a device that allows remote control of a lighting installation providing for light dimming in different areas with no additional wiring required for installation. This device takes advantage of the existing mains to communicate with other control devices such as pushbutton pads, sensors, schedulers and BMS applications, amongst others, by using a robust and reliable PowerLine transmission that supports trouble free communications in small to medium installations.

This unit includes an analogue 1-10 V output to control electronic ballasts and a relay type output with 8 Amp switching capacity special contacts for the luminaire On/Off function.





Referencia producto: 
Alimentación: 95-250Vca
Tecnología: LonWorks ISO/IEC 14908
Bus Comunicaciones: PowerLine
Nº. Salidas: 
1-10 V analogue output, 8 A relay output


Based on the EN 14908 LonWorks® communication standard, the e-Controller® product series takes advantage of the mains wiring as a means to transmit data, thus allowing the installer to conveniently locate equipment throughout the installation without the need to plan ahead for wiring between the lights, blind motors, etc. to be controlled and the control modules.

LonWorks® PowerLine technology provides robust and reliable communication in compliance with CENELEC, Band C standards (residential and commercial applications).


System installation does not require additional wiring, dramatically reducing installation time and cost and providing an optimal solution for building refurbishment or rehabilitation. No computer or special software is necessary to configure the unit, rendering this solution even more versatile and easy to install.

Based on the ISO/IEC (LonWorks®) communication standard, this device may be integrated into any LonMark® system in the market.


Device commissioning may be performed in either of two ways:

1) Self installation: The device includes an advanced self installation algorithm that provides for device commissioning with no computer or special software required. Through a pushbutton located on its front, the unit may be installed and allocated to a keypad, a presence or luminosity sensor or to any other device present in the network that may remotely control the unit.

2) Installation with LNS compatible tools: the device includes an XIF file documented network interface that allows integration into any LonWorks network. The device is LonMark compatible and includes the standard functional profiles as prescribed by the standards; they allow seamless integration of the device into any LonWorks network where equipment by other manufacturers may be present.


| 0 | Fichas tecnicas | Documento de características del producto
| 0 | Presentacion producto | Documento presentación del producto
| 1 | Hoja de Instrucciones | Documento para instalación del producto
| 1 | Esquema de conexionado del equipo | Documento para instalación del producto
| 0 | Dimensiones equipo | Documento para instalación del producto
| 1 | Perfil funcional para integracion en LonWorks | Documentación para Integración
| 1 | Archivo para la integración en LonWorks | Documento XIF para integración con herramienta LNS

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