Resumen general

The Single Relay Output e-Controller unit is a device featuring a relay type output for On/Off control of any type of load. The device includes a communication port allowing reception from another device of the On/Off control commands for the load.

Its main advantage with respect to other devices in the market is that the communication bus is the facility mains wiring in itself, so that not a single additional wire is required for installing the unit, making it suitable for any application. This device is the ideal solution for any installation where no wiring may be added or where spreading new wiring would become really complicated.

The unit provides for remote control of any type of load, such as:
• Lighting
• Solenoid valves
• Motors

This unit includes a relay with special high rupture capacity contacts to which loads of up to 8 Amps may be connected.

Referencia producto: 
Alimentación: 95-250Vca
Tecnología: LonWorks ISO/IEC 14908
Bus Comunicaciones: PowerLine
Nº. Entradas: 
Nº. Salidas: 
8 A relay output


This device includes a communication port that takes advantage of the electric mains wiring as a data transmission means, over which information from one or several transmitters is received to operate its output. Since data transmission takes place over the installation mains wiring, no additional wiring is required to connect the units, thus avoiding the associated costs. Furthermore, this allows fitting the device in already existing buildings.

Information may be sent from a digital input module featuring a mains wiring communication port (PowerLine), or from a DIN rail mounted device transmitting On/Off commands based on a predefined program.

Based on the EN 14908 (LonWorks®) communication standard, the unit may be integrated into any LonMark® system in the market.


This device includes a surface mount box with two anchoring points, one at the top and the other at the bottom, which allows wall or cable tray mounting. Two supply terminals are available for Phase/Neutral connection, in addition to two Phase’/Neutral output terminals for load connection.

Please refer to the Instruction Sheet for further installation details.


Device commissioning may be performed in either of two ways:

1) Self installation: the device includes an advanced self installation algorithm that provides for device commissioning with no computer or special software required. Through a pushbutton located on its front, the unit may be installed and allocated to a keypad, a presence or luminosity sensor, or to any other device present in the network that may remotely control the unit.

2) Installation with compatible LNS software tool: the device includes an XIF file documented network interface that allows integration into any LonWorks facility. The device is LonMark compatible and includes the standard functional profiles as prescribed by the standards; they allow seamless integration of the device into any LonWorks network where equipment by other manufacturers may be present.

A network interface document is available that provides the required information to integrate the unit into any LonWorks system, either using a twisted pair or PowerLine.
Should it be required to change from one means of communication to the other, this may be accomplished by using a communication gateway that allows converting the TP/TF-10 (FFT-10) twisted pair electric signal to PowerLine. The communication protocol is not altered since it is still LonWorks, EN 14908-1 compliant.


| 0 | Fichas tecnicas | Documento de características del producto
| 1 | Hoja de Instrucciones | Documento para instalación del producto
| 1 | Esquema de conexionado del equipo | Documento para instalación del producto
| 0 | Dimensiones equipo | Documento para instalación del producto
| 1 | Archivo para la integración en LonWorks | Documento XIF para integración con herramienta LNS compatible

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